Design Verification International, Ltd
Design Verification International, Ltd
Maintenance - Operations and Energy Management
“Thanks for your help and your effort to make ANL a great lab...."
Dr. Hermann Grunder, past Director of Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois

“her commitment to this goal and her actions have clearly translated into results. Further her ability to lead a diverse group as exists in PFS with few personnel issues is noted."
Dr. Adam Cohen, former Chief Operations Officer - Argonne National Laboratory
"Gwendolyn's Performance is outstanding."
Michael Derbidge, Chief Operations Officer - Argonne National Laboratory 2004
"Mike, over the past six months my staff has worked very closely building the EEST Biochip Technology section clean room with the Facilities and Engineering Construction section....I want to thank your personnel for a job well done. I would like to especially thank Gwendolyn Morrison(PFS) ... for rendering outstanding professional services. My staff reports that it was an absolute pleasure working with them, and they many times went above and beyond the call..."
Dr. Harvey Drucker - former Associate Laboratory Director, Energy and Environmental Science Technology